Volunteer Horse Patrol

All About the Volunteer Horse Patrol (VHP)

The purpose of the Volunteer Horse Patrol is to assist the San Mateo County Parks Department in providing safe and enjoyable trail use for park visitors. The scope of the volunteer activity is to observe and report trail use and conditions while riding horses within county parks, and to inform and assist park visitors. Parks participating in this program include Edgewood Park in Redwood City,Huddart and Wunderlich Parks in Woodside, Pescadero Creek Park in LaHonda, and other county park lands where horses are allowed.

Volunteer Activities

Our 100+ active members combine the joys of trail riding, the camaraderie of group activities, and the satisfaction of helping San Mateo County maintain a secure and safe environment for all park users. Volunteers perform trail maintenance at Pescadero Creek Park and on the adopted Skyline Trail connecting Huddart and Wunderlich Parks. VHP also provides a Camp Host service throughout the season at Jack Brook Horse Camp. First Aid and CPR training are offered annually to volunteers.


There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favorite places is on the back of my horse.


Tree Watering At Jack Brook
In Memoriam, Ernst Meissner
Pescadero Creek/Jack Brook Horse Camp Video Tour
History of the Jack Brook Horse Camp (Video)
Equine Virus Updates
Daily Updates

History of VHP
An article about our founding